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The Cado platform will collect key logs and forensic artifacts containers running in an AWS EKS cluster.

Known Limitations

  • The Cado platform can acquire artifacts from a container built with distroless containers via Cado Host only. The platform will hide containers with the image tag.

  • The Cado platform will hide pods running under the following namespaces: kube-system, kube-public, kube-node-lease, gke-gmp-system, aks-command, gmp-system, calico-system, and tigera-operator. These are system level namespaces, which are often running a distroless environment, which the platform does not support.

  • As Cado requires access to the Control Plane, it is not possible to acquire artifacts from a container running in a private EKS cluster. A future update may allow for the collection of data from private clusters. If you are running EKS on EC2 nodes, you can acquire the volumes of the underlying EC2 instances and some data will be visible when using Docker runtimes. Containerd based runtimes will not allow access to the container data via this method. If you have a method to deploy code to running containers (for example, via a Container Security Application, you can execute a Cado Host acquisition script to acquire the data from the container.)

Configuring the Cluster RBAC for use with Cado

In order for the Cado platform to acquire artifacts from a container, the following Kubernetes permissions are required:

  • pods - get, list
  • pods/exec - create, get

These permissions are required for every cluster you intend to acquire through the platform.

RBAC ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding

We recommend adding the following ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding to your Cluster RBAC with the permissions mentioned above.

See the following AWS guide for instructions of manipulating the role maps.

kind: ClusterRole
name: cado-eks-cluster-role
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["pods"]
verbs: ["get", "list"]
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["pods/exec"]
verbs: ["create", "get"]
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: cado-eks-cluster-role-binding
- kind: Group
name: cado
kind: ClusterRole
name: cado-eks-cluster-role

Linking AWS IAM to your Cluster RBAC


You should use the role ARN added in the Cross Account Creation that relates to the AWS Account ID where the cluster resides.

You'll need to add the appropriately configued Cado IAM role to your EKS RBAC configuration. Without this you will see an error message saying that This role is not configured to authorize with this EKS cluster.

See the following AWS guide on how to add your role to the EKS RBAC, or if you have eksctl configured, you can use the following command:

eksctl create iamidentitymapping --cluster=<cluster_name> --region=<region> --arn=<iam_role> --group=<group>

If you added the ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBindings above, the group would be cado:

eksctl create iamidentitymapping --cluster=<cluster_name> --region=<region> --arn=<iam_role> --group=cado

You must also make sure the following IAM permissions are attached to your IAM role:


Import Steps

  1. Go to Import > Cloud

Cado Import Screen showing the AWS EKS options

  1. Go through the steps to choose your Cluster, Pod and Container:

When selecting the role in the UI, select the role configured for the account where your EKS cluster resides

Cado Import Screen showing the available AWS EKS Clusters

  1. Cado will now automatically collect all the key logs and forensic artifacts from the container to enable an investigation. For a typical acquisition, import and processing will take a few minutes to complete.

Cado showing the confirmation screen of a successful AWS EKS container capture

Data Flow Diagram

For a diagram of how our ECS acquisitions operate, please see our Knowledge Base.