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Required Role Scoping

Upgrade Cado Instance

Upgrade your Cado instance to any version >= MIN_VERSION

Switch to Instance Roles

Switch your platform to run using the instance role.

Note: If you originally deployed with a version >=2.161.0 you will already be using the new instance role and can skip this step. If this is the case you won’t have the ‘Scoped Up Instance Role’ settings section in step 2. If you aren’t sure, please share a log bundle with the Cado team and we can confirm if you need this step or not.

  1. Update your myCadoResponseInstanceRolePolicy to match

NOTE: Replace MY_CADO_BUCKET with the name of your Cado S3 bucket. Replace CADO_REGION with the region you deployed Cado in. Replace CADO_ACCOUNT_NUMBER with the account number where Cado is deployed.

i. This adds the permissions required to run the Cado platform to the myCadoResponseInstanceRolePolicy, which leads to some duplications with myCadoResponseRolePolicy. The duplicate permissions will be removed in a later step.

ii. If you are using Terraform, then our latest version ( already includes the required role.

  1. In Settings > Advanced > Scoped Up Instance Role: clicking Check Instance Role will verify that your new role is set up correctly and if the check passes, swap your Cado instance to use it. This tells Cado to use myCadoResponseInstanceRole for running the platform and myCadoResponseRole for acquisition.

Scoped up Instance Role

Enable EBS Direct Acquisition

Switch to using EBS direct access. This both reduces the permissions required, and significantly increases the speed of EC2 acquisitions. If you have already enabled the EBS direct access beta you can skip this step.

  1. Update your myCadoResponesRole role and cross account roles to the latest. The extra permissions you need are: ebs:ListSnapshotBlocks, ebs:ListChangedBlocks, ebs:GetSnapshotBlock.

    i. If you are using terraform the latest version of the Cado role (in and cross account roles ( include these already.

  2. Enable the EBS Direct Acquisitions flag in Settings > Experiments

EBS Direct Acquisition

  1. Import an EC2 (full disk), ami, volume or snapshot

Scope down Permissions

Remove now unused permissions (Optional but suggested)

  1. Update your myCadoResponseInstanceRole to match

  2. Update your myCadoResponseRole and all cross account roles to

Account & Platform Check

Run a health and platform check on your account to confirm everything is working as expected.

1. Account Health Check

  • Navigate to Settings on your Cado Platform.
  • Go to Accounts and select the desired account.
  • Click Run Account Check to perform the health check.

2. Platform Check

  • On your Cado Platform, navigate to the Platform page.
  • Click Run a Platform Check to initiate the check.