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What is the Timeline Tab?

The Timeline tab in the Cado platform provides an advanced search interface that supports complex queries to help you filter and analyze investigation data efficiently.

Cado enables you to filter search results using facets, such as event severity, associated usernames, files, or source/destination IP addresses.

Faceted Search

For long lists of facets, you can easily search and sort through them.

Faceted List

Basic Searches

You can also use the search bar to perform specific queries using search strings.

Plain Search Terms

A plain search term will search across all fields. For example: foo

If the term contains spaces, enclose it in quotes: "foo bar"

Field-Specific Searches

To search within a specific field, prepend the field name to the search term. For example:

  • user: Chris
  • extra: "foo bar"


You can search for a range of values within a field. For example:

  • file_size: [1024 TO 8196]

Building Complex Queries

You can combine search terms using AND, OR, and NOT, and use parentheses to group them:


alarm_severity: [0 TO 5] AND (user: "Chris" OR user: "James") AND NOT filename: "/foo/bar.txt"

Without parentheses, AND operations are evaluated before OR. For example:

user: "Chris" AND user: "James" OR filename: "/foo/bar.txt"

is treated as:

(user: "Chris" AND user: "James") OR filename: "/foo/bar.txt"

Searchable Fields

The following fields are searchable:

macbkeywordA 4-character string encoding MACB information (e.g., M..B for Modified and Birth events).
sourcekeywordThe type of file or data producing this event (e.g., EVT, CLOUDTRAIL, FILE).
sourcetypekeywordMore specific subtype of source.
typekeywordA ; separated list of event types (e.g., Last Executed Time, Updated Time, Creation Time).
userkeywordThe user associated with the event.
hostkeywordThe hostname linked to the event.
filenamespecialThe path of the file related to the event.
full_filenamekeywordThe full path of the file, supports regex and must match the entire path.
inodekeywordThe inode number of the file.
source_hostnamekeywordThe source hostname for network connections.
destination_hostnamekeywordThe destination hostname for network connections.
tagkeywordTag representing the event type (e.g., Network Logon, File Access, Execution).
executed_processkeywordThe path of an executed file, if detected.
shorttextShort text providing additional event details.
extratextAdditional data from the raw event, longer than short.
alarm_severityintSeverity of the event (Malicious: 1, Suspicious: 3, Other: 10).
isFolderbooleanWhether the event is related to a folder.
evidence_idintID of the evidence item.
timestampintUnix timestamp of the event.
file_sizeintThe size of the file related to the event.
sha256textSHA-256 hash of the file related to the event.
stringstextExtracted strings from the file related to the event.
is_starredboolWhether the event is starred.
for_reportboolWhether the event is included in a report.
alarm_descriptionkeywordA short description explaining the reason for an alarm.
alarm_attackkeywordMITRE ATT&CK tactic or technique code.
attribute_namekeywordFile attribute information (e.g., $STANDARD_INFORMATION, $FILENAME).

Notes on Search Behavior:

  • Fields of type int or keyword require exact matches.
  • Wildcard characters (* for multiple, ? for single) can be used in keyword fields.
  • Fields of type text support partial matches.


  • user: chris matches user field with value chris.
  • user: ch* matches chris or any string starting with ch.
  • user: ch does not match as it requires a full or wildcard match.

Searching strings: content will return events with matching data, such as "This is some example content.".