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Minimal Deployment Guide

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for deploying a Cado instance from the Azure console, aimed at helping you get up and running with the platform as quickly as possible

The initial deployment offers a basic working environment; however, certain functionalities are not included. Refer to the ‘Extensions’ section for details on missing features and instructions on how to add them.

Initial Deployment


Before starting, make sure you have all the following:

  • A resource group (exclusively for Cado), with the following resources:
    • A storage account
    • A blob container in the storage account above
    • A network security group configured to allow inbound traffic from your IP. At the very least, it will need to allow HTTPS, although SSH may also be useful.
    • Either A “User Assigned Managed Identity” named cado-identity or A "Service Principal", with the Role assignment Contributor scoped to this resource group.

You can add a role assignment to a managed identity by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the “User Assigned Managed Identity” resource.

  2. Select “Azure role assignments” on the sidebar.

Azure Cado Identity

  1. Click Add role assignments (preview)

Azure Role

  1. Fill in the form, selecting the Resource group you are deployed into and the Contributor role, then press Save

Azure Role Assignment


  1. Open the “Community Images” service in Azure.Then, filter the images by the Cado public gallery name (CadoPlatform-1a38e0c7-afa4-4e0d-9c56-433a12cd67b1) to list all the Cado images available for deployment.

Community Image

  1. Select an image in the location you want to deploy in. The supported regions are
  • East US
  • East US 2
  • Central US
  • North Central US
  • South Central US
  • West US
  • West US 2
  • West US 3
  • West Central US

Once an image has been selected, select a version to deploy (the latest version is recommended) and press Create VM.

Cado Response v2

  1. Override the following settings on each page of the creation wizard:


  • Resource group -> your resource group name

Cado Response v2

  • Name -> Choose a name for your VM
  • Size -> At least D4S_v3 (recommended for production: D16ds_v4)

Cado Response v2

  • Administrator account username -> adminuser
  • SSH public key source -> A key you have access to, or generate a new key.
  • Public inbound ports -> None
  • Licensing -> Other


  • A data disk with Name “cado-main-vm-disk” is required.
  • 100GB size recommended, with read write host cache.
  • The LUN value should be set to 10 and Host Caching is Read/Write.
  • Make sure delete with VM is unticked.

The options should look as below:

Azure Data Disk


  • Ensure “Delete public IP and NIC when VM is deleted” is unticked


  • Enable user data -> True
  • User data -> The following script, replacing <STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME> and <BLOB_STORE_NAME> with your Storage account / blob container name respectively.
#!/bin/bash -x
echo "[FIRST_RUN]" > /home/admin/processor/first_run.cfg
echo azure_storage_account = <STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME> | sudo tee -a /home/admin/processor/first_run.cfg
echo "bucket = <BLOB_STORE_NAME>" >> /home/admin/processor/first_run.cfg

Additionally, if using a service principal, the following extra lines need to be added to the user data.

echo -n "<CLIENT_ID>" | sudo tee -a /home/admin/processor/envars/AZURE_CLIENT_ID
echo -n "<TENANT_ID>" | sudo tee -a /home/admin/processor/envars/AZURE_TENANT_ID
echo -n "<CLIENT_SECRET>" | sudo tee -a /home/admin/processor/envars/AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET
  1. After all these settings are configured, review and create the virtual machine.

  2. If you are using a managed identity: Once your virtual machine has been created, assign the user managed identity to it in the UI.

    This can be done on the Security -> Identity pane of the VM on the “User assigned” tab.

Add User

  1. The network security group created earlier needs to be associated with the subnet the virtual machine resides in. This can be done once the VM is running from the Overview section, and selecting Network Settings > Create Port Rule > Inbound Port Rule.

The default password for the VM is the Resource ID of the virtual machine.

Optional Extensions


The initial deployment uses a single Compute instance, limiting imports to Cado Host captures and restricting simultaneous evidence processing to ensure stability. Additional Compute instances are required to process more data or multiple evidence items concurrently.

To enable Workers follow the workers document - Enable Workers

Secret Manager

The initial deployment stores the key used to encrypt secrets in Cado locally on the machine. Enabling a Secret Manager allows Cado to instead store the key in Azure Key Vault.

To enable Secret Manager follow the secret manager document - Enable Secret Manager


The initial deployment deployment deploys without a Network File Share (NFS). Enabling an NFS allows Cado to keep a copy of every file processed on disk. This enables the re-running of analysis and the downloading of the original file in the UI for further analysis.

To enable NFS follow the NFS document - Enable NFS