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How to Import Data from RedHat OpenShift

To import data from RedHat OpenShift, follow these steps:

  1. Generate a Collection Script:
    First, generate a Cado Host collection script by navigating to Import > Cado Host in the Cado platform.

  2. Execute the Script on the Target Container:
    Use the commands below to execute the script on the desired container within OpenShift:

oc login --token=sha256~... --server=
oc exec pod-name -c container-name -- mkdir -p /tmp/cado-host
oc exec pod-name -c container-name -- curl -s --output /tmp/cado-host/cado-host
oc exec pod-name -c container-name -- chmod +x /tmp/cado-host/cado-host
oc exec pod-name -c container-name -- /tmp/cado-host/cado-host --presigned_data ...

Replace pod-name, container-name, and --presigned_data with the relevant values from your setup.
